Volvo Cars recalls 8,000 employees to the office
As of June 1, about 8,000 full-time employees will begin working in the Gothenburg office again. During the pandemic, many worked at home, but now there is a gradual transfer to the office.
A letter with information has been sent to employees, writes Göteborgs-Posten .
- For a while we had remote work as a starting point, but now we see that it’s time to meet more physically to ensure the development of our employees and our company. “And that creativity and innovation is what we really do better locally,” Hannah Fager, human resources manager and responsible for key functions in Volvo Cars group management, told the magazine.
However, the car maker is not shutting down the possibility of working from home entirely, but expects the company to have a higher degree of remote work in the future even before the pandemic.